Hello! ::: ) 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🍀 Welcome to the world of superb goods!🍀


SUPERB GOoDS aims to develop cultural projects that combine various artistic disciplines and promote community engagement and creativity:

  • Support for artists and designers: Superb Goods seeks to support local artists and designers from both Lithuania and other Northern European countries by providing them with opportunities to showcase their creative ideas.

  • Presentation of new artworks and travel: The company plans to organize presentations of new and existing artworks, exhibitions, participation in festivals, and artist residencies.

  • Commissioning and creation of new artworks:

    Superb Goods anticipates that exhibiting and selling artworks will encourage the emergence of new creative works.

  • Community and social projects:

    The company envisions projects that utilize art in civic and social practices, conflict transformation, and collaboration with community partners for mutual benefit.

  • Inclusion of the LGBTQIA+ community: Superb Goods aims to create a community of individuals who value individuality, uniqueness, and personal growth. These are people for whom questions of identity and freedom are significant. The company seeks to foster a sense of belonging for these individuals within society.

  • Inclusion of advocates for democratic values:

    Superb Goods aims to promote democratic values in Lithuania, other Northern European countries, and across Europe.

  • Regional collaboration and cultural bridges:

    Superb Goods plans to collaborate closely with other Northern European countries to establish robust cultural connections and encourage regional artistic exchange.

  • Regional cooperation:

    Strengthening ties with artists, cultural institutions, and art collectives from Northern European countries.

  • Intercultural dialogue:

    The company hopes that collaboration with Northern European countries will enhance intercultural understanding and diversity through art.

  • Community engagement:

    Projects will be designed to encourage participation and involvement from communities across different Northern European countries.

  • Lithuania’s representation in the Northern European context:

    Superb Goods aims for Lithuania to actively engage in the cultural landscape of the region and represent itself clearly and prominently as a Northern European country.

  • Cultural bridges:

    Strengthening connections with Northern European artists and cultural organizations.

  • Intercultural exchange process: Encouraging artistic exchanges between Northern European countries.

SUPERB GOoDS anticipates that this collaboration not only contributes to the development of artists and designers but also fosters community inclusion and cultural dialogue among Northern European countries. It encourages the emergence of new, innovative forms of art and the presentation of existing works, ultimately creating meaningful impact in society.
